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Showing posts from July, 2024

Looking Back at Kane

Let's look back at Kane's surprise Money in the Bank win at the inaugural Money in the Bank pay per view in 2010. The Big Red Machine not only secured the coveted briefcase but went on to cash it in on the same night, creating a moment that still resonates with fans to this day. Kane's journey to the briefcase was a testament to his enduring resilience and dominance. Competing against some of WWE’s most formidable superstars, he showcased his unmatched strength and tactical prowess. As the dust settled and Kane stood tall atop the ladder, clutching the briefcase, the arena buzzed with anticipation. Little did anyone know, the night was far from over. Later that evening, Rey Mysterio successfully defended his World Heavyweight Championship against Jack Swagger, but his victory was short-lived. As Mysterio celebrated, Kane’s music hit, sending shockwaves through the crowd. Seizing the moment, Kane stormed to the ring, briefcase in hand, and capitalized on a vulnerable Mysteri

Will Natalya Join AEW?

Could Natalya head to AEW? According to Fightful Select, the longtime WWE veteran’s contract expires this summer. According to a new report there’s been a push by some AEW wrestlers to try and sign her. This potential move has fans and analysts alike debating the possible impact on both promotions.   Natalya, a cornerstone of WWE's women's division, has been with the company for over a decade. Her technical skills and wrestling lineage have made her a fan favorite and a respected figure in the locker room. A move to AEW could offer her new challenges and opportunities, adding depth to their growing roster.  AEW has been steadily building its women's division, and the addition of Natalya could be a game-changer. Her experience and talent would bring a wealth of knowledge to the AEW locker room and could help elevate the entire division. Fans are excited about the potential dream matches and fresh storylines her arrival could create.  WWE, on the other hand, would feel the lo